Attributes Of Sephiroths Associated With Your Sun Sign | |||||||||||||||||||
Tarot Cards Associated With Sephiroths :- The Sixes This is the time to make the best of new opportunities. Happiness may be brought to the present from the past. Too much of overindulgence about the pats may not be good. This may be the beginning of a new relationship. | |||||||||||||||||||
Tiphereth Tiphereth occupies the 6th position in the Tree of Life and the sphere is associated with Beauty. Tiphereth represents our inner self - our soul. It reveals the inner meaning of our lives and also tells us about the purposes of our life, our ideals and objectives. The sephira reflects our goals, our success, our achievements and also our outer self that we present to the world and is ruled over by the Guardian angel Raphael. Speaking from an astrological perspective, the position occupied by the Tiphereth is ruled over by the planet Sun, the planet that symbolizes power and vitality. The energy of Tiphereth can be used in projecting the positive aspects of our personality. | |||||||||||||||||||
About Your Archangel Raphael is the angel of journey to the heavens. Raphael is also known as the 'Healing Angel.' He is the one who is assigned by God to guide us in our pilgrimage and help us to seek the real treasure - the ultimate happiness, which God has, is store for us. The name Raphael means - the 'Divine Healer.' This angel has the power to give us joy, happiness, creativity and the most important of all things - love. | |||||||||||||||||||
Tarot Cards Associated With Sephiroths :-The Eights You may wish to abandon your current path in life. You may be disappointed in love. You need to let go of the past and move on. There may be some disappointment. | |||||||||||||||||||
Hod Hod occupies the 8th position in the Tree of Life and it is the sphere that is associated with splendor. Hod represents the worldly and materialistic matters of life such as business, career, cultural and the artistic endeavors, and also denotes as to how these specific areas are being enhanced and approached. The sephira reflects our thought procedures, our communication skills, and the way we perceive the aura surrounding us; it clearly signifies the theoretical aspects of our life and is ruled over by the archangel Michael. Speaking from an astrological perspective, the position occupied by the Hod is ruled over by the planet Mercury which in turn influences our thought processes and how we communicate with others. The energy of Hod can be used to determine how to control our thought processes and acting accordingly. | |||||||||||||||||||
About Your Archangel Michael is the angel for the month of September and his name means 'He who is like God.' Michael is known as the angel who grounded Lucifer and his band of followers during the fight between mankind and the Gods. This angel is associated with all kind of miracles that involves the Almighty. He is also known as the 'Angel of Repentance.' Truth, patience, affection and love are the four things, which are inspired by this angel of September. | |||||||||||||||||||
Attributes Of The Path Associated with Your Sun Sign | |||||||||||||||
Path Of Ayin This is the path of practicality. The path offers success, but success can be attained through patience, faith, hard work and persistence. Sincerity is the keyword of this path and your deeds and actions are of paramount importance. Talents should be used up in serving others and lies and manipulation should be avoided at all cost. This is the path of truth, wisdom and faith. | |||||||||||||||
Tarot Cards Associated With The Path :- The Devil Your dark side may be trying to take over your good side. Do no give in to materialistic decisions that may spoil your life. Give up habits that are doing you harm. There may be an unexpected failure or loss; you may feel frustrated and oppressed. | |||||||||||||||
More About Your Sun Sign |
Path Associated With Your Sun Sign :- Path Of Ayin |
Capricorn |
You want to achieve a lot in life. You have the ability to create a rags-to-riches kind of story. You are virtuous and clever. People think of you to be cold and unemotional. But the truth is you do not believe in public display of feelings. You love being independent and self-sufficient. You are conservative by nature and not at all spontaneous. You are not frightened by obstacles and can fight them without any fear. You do not care to listen to others' advice because of your stubborn nature. Suspicion is inborn to you and this may lead to problems. You can be mean and unscrupulous. Your selfish and crafty nature may not be taken well at times. You are hardworking and intelligent. You do not waste money if possible. |