We estimate your EQ to be102
Your EQ is above average.
Although you can be very happy with the result, you should try to improve in some areas of your emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is simply too important to neglect!
The overall EQ result can be divided into the following components:
- Self Awareness98
- Self Management105
- Auto Motivation107
- Social Awareness93
- Relationship Management107
Self Awareness EQ
Your level of Self Awareness is: 98
Your awareness of your emotions is reasonably high but there is certainly room for improvement.
First, you sometimes have negative emotions without noticing them. And, you may not understand the reasons behind your emotions and know particular situations or individuals that trigger certain emotions. However, you can improve. How do you bring your awareness to a higher level? Record the situations or individuals that caused you to have negative emotions in the last month. In the future, you can recognize the threat to your emotions and address it before your emotions become negative.
Second, you are also aware of your thoughts and self talk. However, you may have negative thoughts for quite some time without noticing them. How do you become aware of these negative thoughts and eliminate them? At the end of the day, record all the negative thoughts you had during the day. You will notice that the next time you have the same negative thought, you likely will be aware of it.
Third, you are reasonably aware of your strengths and your weaknesses. But again, it is useful to review and record each strength and weakness. Your awareness will increase as well as your use of them in guiding your decisions and actions.
Self Management EQ
Your level of Self Management is: 105
You are not a slave to your emotions. Even when you experience negative emotions, you usually are able to control them.
To some extent, you also are able to actively change your emotions. This is an important skill, so you should try to develop it even more. You can change your emotions by changing your mental focus and by changing your physiology.
When faced with adversity and challenges, you show a reasonably high level of optimism and self confidence.
Auto Motivation EQ
Your level of Auto Motivation is: 107
You generally control your need for self gratification to fulfill your long term best interests. You are able to apply yourself today for a reward tomorrow and you are able to endure hardship to achieve your long term goals.
This trait also means that you are conscientious and others can count on you to deliver the work you promise them.
Social Awareness EQ
Your level of Social Awareness is: 93
Your skill in understanding other people is average. Frequently, you can tell what other people are thinking and feeling. And, you often know the motivation behind the decisions and actions of other people.
In addition, you have some understanding of the dynamics of groups and social institutions.
Relationship Management EQ
Your level of Relationship Management is: 107
Usually, you are able to express your emotions in a healthy way, but sometimes, you may restrict emotional expressions. This might be appropriate in certain situations and can show that you have a high level of self control. However, in the long term, you must take care not to internalize strong emotions. Suppressing strong emotions can have negative consequences on your health.
Emotional expression is fundamental to any human relationship. In fact, emotional expression is what makes you appear “human” to others. If you do not express your emotions, your may be unable to form deep and lasting relationships because others perceive you as being cold.
Your communication skills are reasonably high. You usually are able to adjust your communications to different situations in an appropriate way. Using your communication skills, you are usually able to achieve your objectives and, at the same time, build human bonds.
Emotional intelligence is not something you are born with, but something you develop by experience and education. It is much easier to increase your EQ than it is to increase your IQ or change your personality.
According to the results of your test, we can provide you some advise in order to help you to improve.
How do you bring your awareness to a higher level?
Record the situations or individuals that caused you to have negative emotions in the last month. In the future, you can recognize the threat to your emotions and address it before your emotions become negative.
How do you become aware of these negative thoughts and eliminate them?
At the end of the day, record all the negative thoughts you had during the day. You will notice that the next time you have the same negative thought, you likely will be aware of it.