sábado, 15 de setembro de 2012


We estimate your EQ to be102

Your EQ is above average.

Although you can be very happy with the result, you should try to improve in some areas of your emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is simply too important to neglect!
The overall EQ result can be divided into the following components:
  • Self Awareness98
  • Self Management105
  • Auto Motivation107
  • Social Awareness93
  • Relationship Management107

Self Awareness EQ

Your level of Self Awareness is: 98
Your awareness of your emotions is reasonably high but there is certainly room for improvement.
First, you sometimes have negative emotions without noticing them. And, you may not understand the reasons behind your emotions and know particular situations or individuals that trigger certain emotions. However, you can improve. How do you bring your awareness to a higher level? Record the situations or individuals that caused you to have negative emotions in the last month. In the future, you can recognize the threat to your emotions and address it before your emotions become negative.
Second, you are also aware of your thoughts and self talk. However, you may have negative thoughts for quite some time without noticing them. How do you become aware of these negative thoughts and eliminate them? At the end of the day, record all the negative thoughts you had during the day. You will notice that the next time you have the same negative thought, you likely will be aware of it.
Third, you are reasonably aware of your strengths and your weaknesses. But again, it is useful to review and record each strength and weakness. Your awareness will increase as well as your use of them in guiding your decisions and actions.

Self Management EQ

Your level of Self Management is: 105
You are not a slave to your emotions. Even when you experience negative emotions, you usually are able to control them.
To some extent, you also are able to actively change your emotions. This is an important skill, so you should try to develop it even more. You can change your emotions by changing your mental focus and by changing your physiology.
When faced with adversity and challenges, you show a reasonably high level of optimism and self confidence.

Auto Motivation EQ

Your level of Auto Motivation is: 107
You generally control your need for self gratification to fulfill your long term best interests. You are able to apply yourself today for a reward tomorrow and you are able to endure hardship to achieve your long term goals.
This trait also means that you are conscientious and others can count on you to deliver the work you promise them.

Social Awareness EQ

Your level of Social Awareness is: 93
Your skill in understanding other people is average. Frequently, you can tell what other people are thinking and feeling. And, you often know the motivation behind the decisions and actions of other people.
In addition, you have some understanding of the dynamics of groups and social institutions.

Relationship Management EQ

Your level of Relationship Management is: 107
Usually, you are able to express your emotions in a healthy way, but sometimes, you may restrict emotional expressions. This might be appropriate in certain situations and can show that you have a high level of self control. However, in the long term, you must take care not to internalize strong emotions. Suppressing strong emotions can have negative consequences on your health.
Emotional expression is fundamental to any human relationship. In fact, emotional expression is what makes you appear “human” to others. If you do not express your emotions, your may be unable to form deep and lasting relationships because others perceive you as being cold.
Your communication skills are reasonably high. You usually are able to adjust your communications to different situations in an appropriate way. Using your communication skills, you are usually able to achieve your objectives and, at the same time, build human bonds.


Emotional intelligence is not something you are born with, but something you develop by experience and education. It is much easier to increase your EQ than it is to increase your IQ or change your personality.
According to the results of your test, we can provide you some advise in order to help you to improve.

How do you bring your awareness to a higher level?

Record the situations or individuals that caused you to have negative emotions in the last month. In the future, you can recognize the threat to your emotions and address it before your emotions become negative.

How do you become aware of these negative thoughts and eliminate them?

At the end of the day, record all the negative thoughts you had during the day. You will notice that the next time you have the same negative thought, you likely will be aware of it.

How do you become more aware of your emotions?

Make a list of the situations and individuals that trigger your negative emotions. Determine, in advance, how you want to react when these confrontations occur. In this way, you will learn how to control your emotions.

Your personality type is ESFJ


The Caregiver

This personality type stands for:

Extraversion - Interaction with people motivates you to become more active.
Sensing - You tend to be more concrete than abstract.
Feeling - You tend to value personal considerations above objective criteria.
Judging - You tend to plan your activities and make decisions early.

Characteristic of ESFJ

ESFJs focus on the outside world and assess their experiences subjectively. They largely base their judgments on their belief system and on the effects of actions on people. ESFJs are literal and concrete, trusting the specific, factual information gathered through their physiological senses.
ESFJs project warmth through a genuine interest in the well-being of others. They are often skilled at bringing out the best in people, and they want to understand other points of view. They are serious about their responsibilities, seeing what needs to be done and then doing it. Generally proficient at detailed tasks, they enjoy doing little things that make life easier for others. They value tradition and the security it offers.
Easily hurt, ESFJs seek approval. They take pleasure in other people's happiness. They give generously but expect appreciation in return. Sensitive to the physical needs of others, they respond by offering practical care. As expert people readers, ESFJs often adapt their manner to meet the expectations of others.

Notable ESFJs

A well-known individual whose behavior is consistent with ESFJ is Terry Bradshaw.
Information source: wikipedia.org

Frequency of your Personality

This list shows the frequency of your personality type compared to other personality types in the general population.
You belong to the 10% of the population being ESFJ

Strenghts and Weaknesses of ESFJ

Strenghts of ESFJ

  • Your open style of communication makes you attractive to the opposite gender.
  • You communicate your feelings to your partner very well.
  • You are a good observer. Thus you notice inner as well as outer changes in your partner.
  • You are able to deal with practical concerns of the household efficiently.
  • You are sensitive and concerned for your partner's feelings.
  • You take care of your partner and your family.
  • You attach high importance to cultural norms and traditions, and expect your partner to do the same.
  • You are loyal to your partner and value a long-term relationship.

Weaknesses of ESFJ

  • You may hurt your partner by saying things to him/her without thinking.
  • You may dominate your partner.
  • You may focus on materialism and choose a partner based upon his/her wealth rather than his/her values.
  • You may place too much emphasis on your partner's physical appearance.
  • You may frustrate your partner by using your feelings rather than logic to make decisions.
  • You may find it difficult to accept criticism, even though it may be constructive and justified.
  • You may overwhelm your partner by demanding constant attention and ignoring his/her need for space.
  • You may be rigid, inflexible and unwilling to consider your partner's view.

Anticipating Relationship Challenges

Many relationship challenges relate to the personality types of the friends or partners.
For example, personality types INTJ (scientist) and ESFJ (caregiver) can anticipate challenges simply because of their dissimilarities. The scientist is interested in solving problems based upon logical thinking and tends to avoid social situations. The caretaker is interested in solving problems based upon feelings and is most comfortable in social situations. Both party may become annoyed and withhold the needed approval of the other party.
Neither the ESFJ personality type nor the INTJ personality type is wrong; it is just that the personality types do not match well and pose major challenges. Being consciously aware of these differences will help both partners anticipate and overcome these challenges.

Selecting your Partners and Friends

Personality types indicate which relationships likely will be successful or unsuccessful. The fact is that most people have successful relationships with persons of a similar personality type …the closer the similarity, the more successful the relationship.
How do we know this? Researchers studied large samples of successful friendships/relationships as well as unsuccessful friendships/relationships and compared the personality type of the people involved. They found that usually similar personality types have good and lasting friendships/relationships while opposite personality types incur many challenges.
There is an exception to this rule: for “love relationships” between boyfriend and girlfriend or husband and wife, opposites attract! However, “opposites” does not mean complete opposites such as INTP and ESFJ or ISFP and ENTJ. Rather only opposites on two dimensions can attract: the extraversion/introversion dimension as well as the judging/perceiving dimension. For example, INTP could be a good match with ENTJ but not a good match with ISFP.
There is little evidence and much speculation on why opposites on the extraversion/introversion dimension and the judging/perceiving dimension attract for love relationships. One theory is that we look to a romantic partner for balance and completion. We subconsciously know our personality type and look for a person to provide the qualities we lack. From a practical point of view, this makes sense.
We know what happens when two introverts or two extroverts get together: there is silence or chaos. Likewise, when two persons who like structure or two persons who like adventure get together: there is boredom or lack of security. It seems that a couple composed of an introvert and an extrovert and a person who is structured and one who is more adventurous are more successful.
But remember, this is true only of love relationships. In friendships and co-workers, the closer the personal type, the better the relationship.

Love Test

Love Style Test Results

Your predominant love style is Pragma!
However, nobody's love type is pure. There are always several love styles that are present in varying degrees. Besides your predominant love style of Pragma, your overall love style is also composed of Ludus and Eros. The three other love styles, Agape, Mania and Storge, have only little importance in your love style composition.

Pragma 42%

Pragmatic lovers are practical.
Pragmatic lovers think rationally and realistically about their expectations of a partner, and select them as it they were comparison shopping. Pragmatic lovers want to find value in their partners and ultimately to work with them to reach a common goal.
Pragmatic lovers will stay away from infidelity to avoid adverse consequences, and carefully weigh the costs and rewards of a relationship. Pragmatic lovers view sex as a means of procreation, and view marriage and children as liabilities or assets.
The advantage of pragmatic love is practicality and realism. The disadvantage can be a lack of emotion. Pragmatic love should not be considered as negative type of love attitude. In collectivist culture where arranged marriage is practiced, pragmatic love is very common at the time of mate selection.

Ludus 30%

Ludic lovers are players.
More interested in quantity than quality in relationships, ludic lovers want to have as much fun as possible. Ludic lovers choose their partners by playing the field, and quickly recover from break-ups.
Ludic lovers tend to view marriage as a trap, and people of this love style are the most likely to be unfaithful to their partners. They have sex for pleasure and not for procreation. They regard sex as a conquest or a sport, and they engage in relationships because they see them as a challenge.
The advantage of this love style is the ease with which the person can get in and out of relationships. The disadvantage of this love style is the likelihood of infidelity. In its extreme form, ludic love turns into promiscuity.

Eros 27%

Erotic lovers are passionate lovers.
Erotic lovers can fall in love at first sight. They are very sensual and caring towards their partner. They will often pay attention to small details to make their partner happy.
They are physical lovers, and have intensive and satisfying sexual relationships. When they are with their loved one or thinking about them, they get extremely emotional.
The advantage of this love style is that it can be extremely strong and gratifying if it is reciprocated. Its disadvantage is that it is often not based on realism and may fade with time, making it easier for the relationship to break.

Love Type: "Pragma/Ludus/Eros" (PLE)

As the pie chart shows, your love style consists mostly of the following characteristics
  • Pragma - rational, sex as a means of procreation 42%
  • Ludus - as much fun as possible 30%
  • Eros - passionate and sensual 27%

Teste de QI


Verbal IQ Results

The results below show that you have answered 3 out of 5 verbal questions correctly.
Although others usually consider verbal intelligence and logical intelligence as separate categories, we combine them on the MV2G IQ Test.

Verbal-linguistic Intelligence.

This category of questions relates to words, spoken or written. People with high verbal-linguistic intelligence display a facility with words and languages. They are typically good at reading, writing, telling stories and memorizing words along with dates. They tend to learn best by reading, taking notes, listening to lectures, discussing and debating. They are also frequently skilled at explaining, teaching, lecturing and persuasive speaking. Those with verbal-linguistic intelligence learn foreign languages very easily as they have high verbal memory and recall, and an ability to understand and manipulate syntax and structure. Careers suitable to individuals with this intelligence include writer, lawyer, philosopher, journalist, politician, poet, and teacher.

Logical Intelligence.

This category of questions relates to logic, abstractions and reasoning. People with high logical intelligence have a strong reasoning ability and are good at strategic and logical thinking. People with high logical intelligence are good at abstract patterns of recognition, scientific thinking and investigation. This intelligence correlates strongly with most other areas of intelligence. Careers suitable to individuals with this intelligence include scientist, engineer, and medical doctor.

Visual IQ Results

The results below show that you have answered 7 out of 10 visual questions correctly.
This category of questions relates to vision and visual judgment. People with strong visual-spatial intelligence are typically very good at visualizing and mentally manipulating objects. Those with strong visual intelligence are often proficient at solving puzzles. They have a strong visual memory and, often, are artistically inclined. Those with visual-spatial intelligence generally have a good sense of direction and may have good hand-eye coordination.

Mathematical IQ Results

The results below show that you have answered 2 out of 4 mathematical questions correctly.
This category of questions relates to math and numbers. It is often assumed that those with this intelligence naturally excel in mathematics, computer programming and other numerical activities. But, mathematical intelligence strongly correlates to many other intelligences. People high on mathematical-numerical intelligence often perform well in many other areas. Usually, people who score high on mathematical-numerical intelligence are well organized, precise, and excel at recognizing patterns. Very often, they are computer-like.